
Wednesday 14 December 2011


Greeting Text

okayy , i think sdah lme biella x update post..bkn biella mlas tpi biella x de mse...mmg lhaa biella x keje tpi sbnrnyerr duduk ruma nihh bnyk keje ruma kne buat so, klau bukak lappy nihh pon just bukak facebook tgok friend request and notification... nk update post mmglhaa jauh bebenor...okayy kli nihh biella nk update psal hijab. u know that hijab?? mstilhaa korg thu hijab tuhh ape bende...okayyy betol ke lelaki sekarang suke perempuan yg pkai tudung sebnarnyerr? i dont know that...tpi klau korg nk thu dlam family biella., i mean that my sibling ,biella sorg sje x berhijab.. kakak biella due2 dah pkai tudong...biella mmg teringin nk pkai tudong mcm kwan biella yg lain..tpi x thu lhaa knape x terbukak lgi...biella mmg selalu nk berangan kt uma nk pkai tudong, tgok tutorial kt youtube tpi mseh x terbukak lgi..biella prnh blik kampong pkai tudong...itupon sbb saje2 je... nk tgok x lawa mcm korang lhaa..

this is me when wearing shawl
auwww buruk kan!!!

yes picture on above buruk kan...but i peduli ape...okayy biella dah berangan punye berangan x lawa jgak pkai wanna look my sister with their hijab ..

okayy diorg cntik pkai cntik x pkai pon cantek

okayy nk tnye nihh korang kenal hana tajima n yuna...diorg nihh slah seorg inspiration kpada perempuan zaman sekarang memakai tudung...okayy perempuan zaman sekarang sume nak pkai tudung betol x i ckap..i dont know why pempuan zaman sekarang pkai tudung maybe diorg jdikn yuna n hana tajima nihh inspiration kot..tpi seriously korg nk thu x hana tajima nihh mualaf lhaa..die designer..haa!! die nihh kacukan england -japan..tpi die nihh tggal kt england lhaa...yg biella respect kt die ialah dlam family die, die sorang je memeluk islam..look this!!! die x kesah pon..

okayy dua menjadi inspirsi perempuan sekarang

okayy cntik kn die,, yess die mmg cntik..die style lhaa..okayy korang kenal maria elena zarul...die ialah vloging and bloging terkenal die pon berhijab jgak...die pon cntek...and biella ske prwatakan die..dia jadi diri die sendiri...klau dlam video die x kesah pon die gedik ke x...yeah i respect die ..

kak maria elena sorry curi gambar utk msok dlam blog hehe..

okayy maria elena pon cntik...die nihh artis youtube org kate...okayy biella ske bce blog die sbb die speaking kat dlam blog so i like her speaking too..btw tahniah kak maria elena dah bertunang..hehe i hope ur engagement is everlasting k...

okayy the conclusion from the post is...kite nk pkai tudung bole tpi jgan jadi hipokrit pkai tudung sbb lelaki...i hope one day my soul is open to wear hijab..yaa allah please open my soul to wear hijab..aminn~~ i am serious want to change for next year...i want to be like hana tajima, my sister, maria elena...okayy insyaallah..k baii!!!

Sunday 4 December 2011


Follow LITTLEMISS-INSPIRED♥  for your daily source of kawaii images!

ohhgoshh dah lme biella x update..sbnrnyerr biella update status tpi biella update blog biella lgi satu..sorry lhaa biella nihh bnyk blog...sbnrnyerr x de lhaa bnyk gile ade 2 je...okayy nihh biella nk cite psal perikse...sape yg x prnh periksa ? angkat tngan....mustahil lhaa korg x prnh ambik pekse...klau korg x prnh ambik pekse mean that korg x prnh skola lhaa kn..hahah wattepak sume org dalam dunia nihh skola lhaa...ermm aku rse nk mampos jwab pekse tdi ...u know that knape??...dah lhaa tdi biella perikse bahasa arab...ommmjayyy!!! bahasa arab ko ksi aku mmg satu hape pon aq x pham...ermm tdi dah lhaa periksa arab...biella dah lhaa duduk blkg...nsib baek lhaa ade kakak form 3 nihh nme die hanisah ksi jawapan sbb die pon laen2 bawak buku msok periksa trok gile kan..hahaha ape pon thank kakak..

hurmm hari nihh biella dah free spnohnyerr nk tahu sbb ape?? sbb biella dah habis pekse!!! ouhh syukur alhamdulilah...blik rumah jer tukar bju tros online smpai skang...trok kn?? jyeah i know that...biella dah tersiksa kot straight seminggu pekse...nseb baek lhaa biella pekse petang x pekse kt skola menengah ape2...nihh arr si kawan skola game biella yg form 5 nihh mcm mne nk spm lgi pekse skola game lgi...i dont know lhaa die mcm mne....okayy skang biella merdeka...merdeka sepenohnyerr sayang....biella x sbr nk tgok keputusan biella....hope2 get a lucky result...yesss2 sape setuju biella ckap periksa menyiksakan??? angkat kaki.!!kah3...korg nihh biella maen2 je lhaa...yerr lhaa mmg pon setiap peperiksaan msti korang kate mcm neraka aka menyiksakan coz korg x belaja kt uma sbb tuhh lhaa smpai sekola tgok soalan rse mcm nk mampos sbb korg x belajar....

alah relax lhaa biella dkat uma pon x blaja....relax je....apepon cikgu biella kte klau nk pndai kne lhaa belaja....klau x belaja mcm mne nk pndai...hurmm sobb2 korg pon dgr yerr ckap cikgu biella nihh....okayy lhaa just that all...biella pnat lhaa menaip..ape pon ingat nk pndai knelhaa belajar.!!!..>_<

p/s biella rindu kawan kelas biella, biella rindu cikgu biella and whatever in school..:P